Import and Export - United States

Importer King

There is a great desire to import and/or export to have a prosperous business, and why not do it now? At Importer King we will show you articles about importing and exporting products in the United States of America.

The World's First Largest Importer

World's business giant

As the world’s largest importer, the USA has millions of opportunities for those who want to get into business.

4.5 K+

The United States of America imports more than 4,500 different products every year!

4.5 K+

The United States of America exports more than 4,500 different products each year!

4 M+

United States of America between imports and exports give values ​​of more than 4.000.000 (USD)


The United States of America exports and imports between more than 222 countries.

Export from USA

Exporting is the next step for your business

Exporting is risky, but only if you are poorly informed, because it is very easy to export!

Practices that experts do when exporting

Important practices for your business when exporting

At Importer King we guide you

You probably have basic questions about importing and exporting, here we answer some of them.

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Frequently Asked Questions

To export from the USA, it is essential to comply with certain legal and administrative requirements. First, you must obtain an exporter identification number (EIN) and register in the government’s export system. In addition, it is essential to know the regulations of the destination country, as well as the regulations of the International Trade Administration (ITA) and the Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS). You must also prepare the necessary documentation, which includes the commercial invoice, the bill of lading, and, in some cases, specific export licenses.

When importing to the USA, it is essential to have a series of documents that ensure compliance with customs regulations. Among the most important documents are the commercial invoice, the bill of lading, the customs entry form (CBP Form 7501) and, if applicable, an import license. It is also advisable to have an Importer ID Number to facilitate the customs process. Complying with these requirements is crucial to avoid delays and penalties.

The tariffs and taxes applicable when importing to the USA vary depending on the type of product and its country of origin. US customs impose tariff rates that may be specific or ad valorem, depending on the classification of the product. In addition, additional taxes, such as value-added tax (VAT) or excise taxes, may apply depending on the nature of the goods. It is advisable to consult the US International Trade Commission (USITC) database for specific information on the rates applicable to each product.

Free trade agreements (FTAs) can have a significant impact on the process of exporting from the USA and importing to the USA. These agreements usually reduce or eliminate tariffs and facilitate trade between the signatory countries. For example, the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA) offers advantages to companies operating in these countries, allowing them to compete more effectively in the market. It is essential to be informed about current FTAs ​​and how they can benefit or affect business operations.

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